Okuma Voyager Fishing Kit Review

Okuma VS-605-20 Voyager Spinning Travel Kit

Okuma VS-605-20 Voyager Spinning Travel Kit

If portability is important to you, then this is one of the best rods to get.

The Okuma is, instead of telescoping, a series of pieces that are fitted together tightly through pressure. This system works great and I already caught some fish with a friend’s VS-605-20 recently. I liked it so much I just ordered my own.

First off, there are several portable options out there with varying degrees of portability and usability and flexbility.

For the hardcore emergency bug-out bag fishing tool packer, a fishing line on a plastic frame works just fine. For the traveler who wants a little more, the Ronco portable is great (I plan to get one). But for a little fun with your fishing, these may leave a little something to be desired. The Ronco in particular has the line built in, so you can’t play with different test lines.

On the higher quality line, there are two piece rods that break down nice and easy, telescoping rods which are great because you don’t lose pieces easily when casting, and three models of these break-apart rods. The Daiwa version seemed pretty good and is price competitive with this rod, and there is one more that is slightly higher priced.

As portable as this fishing rod is, it is certainly not designed for a bug-out bag and is of a pretty decent size. Having said that, it is a full sized rod that breaks down small enough to fit in the nylon (cheapish nylon, but still good) case and that means pretty easy packing into luggage or a backpack if it’s not fully loaded.

Speaking of the cheapish nylon case, I would certainly be happier if the case was made of better material, but frankly, they did a good job in features to price, so can’t complain. And the 137 piece tackle box fits in there as is since the bag is loose around the foam inserts.

The friend’s unit that I borrowed worked pretty well, and I found none of the issues that were mentioned in other reviews. I caught a few fish that day, and didn’t have to tighten the rods at all, despite several casts over a two hour period. Now that I received my own, I test cast a few times in my yard and found no slippage either, so it doesn’t really come apart the way some folks have said.

All in all, I’m really happy with this purchase. I may get a Ronco to keep in my bugout bag but for car camping trips with lakes and hiking nearby, this is a great piece to have along. Compact, decent tackle box, and full rod casting fun off a row boat on a lake. Can’t ask for more than that.

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